Spirit of Nature by Mike Jiajun Qiu
Spirit of Nature

Mike Jiajun Qiu

S.P.A.C.E. Gallery

The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery Exhibition will run from April 3 – October 31 2021

Welcome to the Space Gallery.

The Interdisciplinary Media Artist’s Association/Population of Noise (IMAPON) are pleased to announce the launch of the on-line exhibition of photographs submitted by Vancouver residents for the S.P.A.C.E. Project based on the subject of "spirits, people, animals, creatures and echoes'. The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery can be viewed from April 3 through October 31, 2021.

Over several months, photographers of all ages submitted photos of local birds, animals, insects, people, landscapes, cityscapes found locally within the Metro Area. This includes images that responded cleverly to themed topics “Spirits” and “Echoes”. The gallery collection brings together all of these images and impressions from the locale community and local artists. This project will culminate via a series of community-created-banners installed at McBride Park June 1 through October 31, 2021 as a complementary physical legacy component to the online photographic exhibition.

The S.P.A.C.E. Project contributes to Vancouver Park activations through the artist studio residency at McBride Park Fieldhouse that is facilitated by Vancouver Park Board's Arts Culture and Engagement team.

Highlighting Women Photographers in the Community

Below the community gallery, the work of two women photographers, Elvira Lount and Barbara Borchardt is highlighted. IMAPON Artistic Director and Curator of S.P.A.C.E considers it important to highlight women artists because traditionally women’s works are less represented.

Highlighting Youth

During the banner exhibition at McBride Park beginning June 1, 2021, one photograph from each of the children and teens who submitted work to the community photo gallery will be highlighted in that form, to honour the work of young emerging artists in the public realm.

Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, informs us that:

…[I]n and age or rapid environmental, economic and social transformation, the future will belong to the nature-smart—those individuals, families, businesses and political leaders who develop a deeper understanding of the transformative power of the natural world and who balance the virtual with the real. The more high-tech we become, the more nature we need.

Community Gallery

Click or tap on an image to see it at a larger size.

Staring competition

Sarah Lavack

Winter Delight
Sleeping Harbour
The Last Sun Rays

Alex Tuppurainen

A coyote in the city
A owl in the city


White-Crowned Sparrow On River\'s Edge
Heron On The Deck
Timmy The Turtle

Barbara Borchardt

Northwestern Crow on the hunt.
Great Blue Heron Yawning.
Dark-eyed Junco.

Ben Malcolm

Pink Heron

Brandi Mollica

The calm ocean is stormed by roaring clouds
The Wise Looking Dog
The Magic Sunset

Abdalrahman Megahed

A man playing kite
The spring of Vancouver
The colorful Autumn in Vancouver

Crystal Lin

Hair Do
Ultra Rare

David Bremner

Snailing around on a pink and yellow flower
Snail in the forest
Snailing around on a yellow flower

Emily Thacker

Downy woodpecker

Dean Sinnett

Snow Saje
Sunset Saje
Saje at the beach

Jennifer Trushel

Heron opens her cloak

Dominique Vincenz

Duck Flying at Vanier Pond
Heron Reflecting
Kitesurfer Kits Beach

Elvira Lount

Blue Heron
Red-breasted Sapsucker
Steller\'s jay

Geethmala Sridaran

A beaver gathers its evening snack

Hannah Rowsell

Redwing Blackbird
Great Blue Heron

Cosmo Hutzulak

Redwing Blackbird
Great Blue Heron

Lee B Hutzulak

The beauty of waterfalls.

Iris Guo

Dance of the Great Blue Heron
Spectacular Shoreline Sunset

Jonathon Michael Moore

A Cooper’s Hawk


Magic Hour in the Lobby
A Blustery English Bay
An Exceptionally Well Lit Night

Kevin Spenst

Winter Waggon

Alain Reme

Communion 1
Communion 2

Lisa Marr

Barred Owlet
Barred Owl
Hummingbird with cattail

Michelle McLatchy

Spirit of Nature
Spirit of Nature
Spirit of Nature

Mike Jiajun Qiu

Crow in tree
Bird camouflaged

Jayven Tu

Fast centipede
Black Capped Chickadee

Trevan Tu

Urban Biodiversity - Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Marie-Pierre Bilodeau

Wave Action
Green Water
Hungry Heron

Rich Nobles

Mama Owl leaves the nest

Rod McLatchy

Bird of paradise

Roslyn Weaver

Pigeon Party in Mount Pleasant

Sarah Lavack


Stephen Smith

Canada Geese Goslings and Canada Goose adult

Wendy Alden

Nesting Blue Heron
Canada Goose Goslings

Stephen Ugo Rosin

Sunset serenity in West Van
Praying racoon
Sunset on the seawall

Tracy Ettinger

Geese out for their morning flight

Winnie Ma


Ron Fisher

Bridge at Vanier Park
Duck Pond at Vanier Park

Jerry DesVoignes

Highlighting Women Photographers in the Community

Elvira Lount

Click or tap on an image to see it at a larger size.

Beaver at Vanier Pond Duck Flying at Vanier Pond Geese in Clover Golden City Heron on the Foreshore Heron Reflecting Kitesurfer Kits Beach Kits Beach Sunset Looking Forward To Summer Sandpiper Fishing Seagull Dancing Sibling Rivalry Sunset Lovers

Barbara Borchardt

Click or tap on an image to see it at a larger size.

Duckling in our strata\'s pond. Grey Squirrel Heron In The Snow Butterfly In Front Of Butterfly Bush White-Crowned Sparrow On River\'s Edge Heron On The Deck Timmy The Turtle Tree Swallow Common Sandpiper

Curator's Statement

Artists, in partnership with landscape and public natural space, are becoming the arbiters, mediators and votaries for intimate and sensitive forms of socially engaged public art. Motivated by the fact we have now become so interwoven with and changed by our digital devices and technologies; that attempting to reconnect to the natural realm by way of these technologies seems to be a logical approach. Landscape and nature photography is nothing new in exhibition, however; Covid lockdown blues is unfamiliar. As people were restricted from gathering, I soon noticed a trend that many people were going out for individual and family walks more than usual and photographing their experiences. IMAPON began showing some of these works on our Co-Vid-EO page. Also, I saw many Facebook postings from people who normally didn’t post pictures of animals, birds, landscapes, or cityscapes. Many of the photos were taken using handheld phones and devices. To recognize this community expression using these ubiquitous devices; I envisioned S.P.A.C.E. to be a theme to present these expressions of Art + Technology + Nature. Inclusive of these works, the S.P.A.C.E. gallery includes the creation of an interactive map by IMAPON/LocoMotoArt artist Rob Scharein (to be launched mid-April).

The gallery represents the submissions we received over a couple of months. Many are excellent and outstanding images. They are presented here for your enjoyment, but also as a potential art exhibition archive of community experiences during Covid. A Jury chose seven photos from the adult submissions. All of the children and teens who submitted have one photo on a separate banner also. The Community Legacy Banner will display at McBride Park along with the banner works of First Nation, Inuk and curated artists to complete the art-in-the park portion of the project.

We do this in mind of the promotion of a fresh, experiential driven art movement ‘eco-futurism,’ which is suggested as a schema for expanding ecological awareness. It is my contention that digitally enhanced artworks and digital visualization/mapping practices intervene and exist between experiences of electronic space/place and physical place/space and actually re-awaken our connection to natural places. In a way, it is a reinstatement of our experience and memory of natural realms.

In his book Sacred Balance: Rediscovering our Place in Nature, David Suzuki offers us wisdom.

If we are to balance our remarkable technological muscle power, we need to regain some ancient virtues: the humility to acknowledge how much we have yet to learn, the respect that will allow us to protect and restore nature, and the love that can lift our eyes to distant horizons, far beyond the next election, paycheque, or stock dividend. Above all we need to reclaim our faith in ourselves as creatures of the Earth, living in harmony with all other forms of life. (Vancouver, Greystone Books, 1997, pp 207–208)

Welcome to S.P.A.C.E.: Spirits, People, Animals, Creatures, Echoes.

About Laura Lee Coles

Laura Lee is an arts-based researcher and published author in her work related to human, technology, nature interaction and the re-envisioning of public space. She has an MA from Simon Fraser University from the School of Interactive Arts and Technology. Her supervisor was Dr. Philippe Pasquier. She founded IMAPON in 2009, and LocoMotoArt in 2012, to promote the creation, exhibition and awareness of digital eco-art. The group’s work draws upon the concept of oscillation between the electronic and natural world and the essence of locale.

IMAPON/LocoMotoArt are known for their outdoor interactive, computer-generated visual projections and sound work in the parks of Vancouver. Highlighted projects: Tatlow Park, 2012; Queen Elizabeth Park, 2013; Vancouver Folk Festival, 2014; and during the International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA) at Charleson Park, 2015, Aberthau Mansion, 2017, McBride Park, 2019 round out the group’s artist-in-residency with Vancouver Park Boards (2013 – 2022). Laura Lee’s journal and conference proceeding articles can be found on academia.edu, and researchgate.net and in the recent chapter in The Routledge Companion to Art in the Public Realm (2021) Edited by Cameron Cartiere and Leon Tan.